We have extensive experience of estimating and cost planning from early-stage feasibility estimates using Should Cost Modelling techniques, through to detailed deterministic estimates based on developed design requirements. Our capabilities are scalable and relevant to the nature and scope of a wide array of different projects and programmes.

The identification, quantification and management of key cost drivers and risks is fundamental in providing cost certainty and predictability.  We have a successful track record of delivering comprehensive, robust cost estimates that facilitate budget-led design development and promote active risk management through all stages of the project lifecycle.

Cost Planning

In order to build up holistic estimates of the likely cost of specific interventions or improvements, we adopt an integrated approach, engaging with client representatives, key stakeholders, planners and designers as appropriate to build as comprehensive as possible understanding of requirements and constraints.

All estimates are tailored to be commensurate with the level of scheme maturity with appropriate levels of risk and uncertainty. The basis of all estimates is fully documented with strict version control and including any assumptions made.

Estimating outputs are suitably designed to inform all key decision-making points, including:

  • Strategic Cases: helping define outline scope and providing range forecasts with confidence levels
  • Economic Cases: identifying elements and options to support discussions around VfM; and,
  • Commercial Cases: driving better understanding of cost components, key cost drivers and risks to support the identification of efficiencies and the management of risk and opportunity.
Measurement Services

The ability to produce detailed estimates and undertake meaningful assessments of VfM relies upon the correct itemisation and measurement of works, in accordance with industry recognised standard methods of measurement. We have the knowledge and experience to accurately apply these when preparing Bill of Quantities (BoQs) through our extensive work for both clients and contractors. We are also experienced in drafting measurement rules, for example to cover bespoke items or in updating standard methods to cater for emerging technologies.

When providing measurement services, we seek early engagement to gain a full understanding of the nature and availability of information to be used, agree protocols for raising queries and confirm the format and timing of deliverables.

Where design information is missing or ambiguous, prompt requests for clarification are raised. Where it is agreed for assumptions to be made, these are fully documented in a set of preamble notes to accompany the BoQs. Preambles also provide an audit trail to all source information used. All BoQs are subject to formal approval prior to release.

Services & Sectors


Our team of experienced professionals are on hand to assist with your query. Please provide your contact details and a relevant Service or Sector lead will be in-touch.

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